Use Our Church
Our Open & Affirming Covenant states that all people are to be treated, loved, and welcomed equally, regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, color, race, economic status, or physical/mental ability.
We therefore welcome all people to share our Church for the purposes of worship, marriage, baptism, funeral and fellowship, with full participation in the life and ministries of the Church, asking that those who come have no intent to do harm and welcome others to our church as well.

In the Protestant tradition, we celebrate Baptism as one of two sacraments, the other being the Lord’s Supper (aka Holy Communion). St. Peter's baptizes persons of all ages, and parents of babies or children do not need to be members of St. Peter’s, although the vows made by parents or parent, and sponsor(s), say that the young child or children will be “kept in communion with the church," whether ours or somewhere else!
Use of Facilities Opportunities
Our space is available for use of all kinds - whether it is a staging area for a television shoot (like this picture), rehearsal space for a college theater production, barbershop quartets or the Russian Math School, we hope you consider using St. Peter's for your next event, or as a home for your ongoing program. Fill out the Facilities Use Request Form below and submit it to the Office at least 30 days prior to when you need the space.