Sunday School
Ages 3 through 7th Grade
Our Sunday School year begins with Rally Day in September and ends the week before Memorial Day in May. Students gather together at 9:00am in our Chapel and spend 15 minutes with Pastor Richard. This service includes a short lesson, a song, and receiving prayer requests from the children, which are then lifted up in prayer together. Classes follow until 9:50am and include crafts, games, and fun lessons about Jesus, using custom curriculum designed by the teachers.
A Nut-Free Zone
Our Nursery is staffed year round as an option for families with very small children. We welcome the little ones in the sanctuary - we love the energy they bring to the worship experience! We also understand that sometimes, parents need a break, and would like to focus on the service. Complete with toys, a soft-matted floor, a rocking chair, changing table, and air conditioning for hot summer months, we invite our families to take advantage of this opportunity. The nursery is open starting at 9am, but is not staffed until 9:50am, when the nursery attendant arrives 10 minutes prior to the service start.

8th Grade
Confirmation is taught by Pastor Richard, and is scheduled as weekly, 90-minute classes for students wishing to join the United Church of Christ. The curriculum covers the core tenants of the Trinitarian faith, history about the United Church of Christ, and instruction in the Bible. Confirmation is traditionally celebrated in May with a special worship service after the Confirmand passes an exam.